No Rules

An interesting way to give a unique and elegant look to your interior decor is to experiment with some of the conventional interior design practices and give the interiors your individual touch. Here are some interior design tips that put a twist on many traditional interior design rules and open new possibilities for your decor –

#1 Using Dark Colors For a Spacious Effect
Convention interior design wisdom is that small spaces must be painted in light colors to give a more spacious and airier look to the painted area. However, you can further enhance the look of small spaces by painting one wall with a dark color. The dark color of the wall gives the overall space additional depth as the eye cannot judge if the light painted space ends there and makes the room appear larger.

#2 Mix Different Patterns or Colors
A common interior design practice is to use only one chosen pattern throughout a space. You can easily introduce a touch of richness and flair to your interiors by mixing and matching multiple complementary patterns and colors. If you are uncertain about the multiple patterns and styles, you can simply choose two complementary and opposite colors and experiment with different patterns or motifs in those colors.

#3 Mix Different Metals For a Richer Look
Warm metals such as gold, bronze, brass and copper can be used in combination with “cooler” metals such as nickel and silver to give your interiors a richer look. The warm and cool metals compensate and complement each other and break the monotony that comes with only using similar metals.

#4 Non-Curtained Windows For Highlighting the View
Curtains are traditionally used on the windows mainly for ensuring privacy. However, if a window opens towards a spectacular view – such as mountains, a waterfall, a stream or a forest – from where no one can look inside, you can do away with the curtains to create a clean looking window that highlights the view.

#5 Use Multiple Wood Tones, Finishes and Styles
Conventionally practice is to repeat the same wood tone and finish throughout an interior space. However, an interesting way to give your decor that additional pizazz is to use multiple – two or three – wood tones and finishes across your floor or furniture. For example, you can combine light and dark colored furniture to give a more interesting look to your room.

#6 Combine Old and Modern Elements
Old and modern furnishings can be used simultaneously for giving a fun and zippy look to a decor. The trick here is to not overdo the mixing and keep the contrasting or distinguishing elements to minimum. For example, using an antique and richly adorned furniture or decoration piece in a central position in a minimalist or modern design room not only catches the attention of visitors but also gives the interiors a depth and distinction.

#7 Ceilings as Design Elements
Ceilings are often ignored in conventional interior design. Including the ceiling of your room in your design opens up a lot of interesting options and variations. You can even make the ceiling the central element of your decor by painting it in a bold color while painting the walls in subtle colors. Similarly, painting the ceiling in the same color as rest of the room gives an enveloping look to the interior without the jarring effect that comes with the change in color between walls and the ceiling.